Enjoy the benefit of a huge discount on the following six products packaged together:
- The Sales Executive Assessment (six psychometric instruments with reports)
- A PDP (personal development plan)
- Individual coaching and feedback on the Assessments for 40 minutes
- Four courses with certificates:
- The Cadet Prospecting Course
- The Cadet Sales Process Course
- The Cadet Trust and Likeability Course
- The Cadet Customer Satisfaction Course
- Regular group online coaching and facilitation sessions
The entire CSDP will take you between 40 and 100 hours, depending on how much experience and training you already have.
The price you will pay gives you a huge discount and the opportunity to access The Cadet website forever. Free resources will be made available on a regular basis to all who have registered and completed a course. It will include regular blog posts, interviews, live presentations and short courses. Additional paid for courses will also be made available at regular intervals. All of this will add to your development and growth – translating into your personal success.
All prices are VAT inclusive.
You can read more about these products in the Our Services section.